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Meet the Team!


Dr. Michael L. Cramer

Lead Pastor

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Dr. Mike Cramer

Founding Pastor


Jake Hueni

Director of Music and Youth


Greg Morris

Director of Family Ministry


Frank Bishop

Biblical Counselor 


Jake Hinsey

Sunday Morning Media Coordinator 


We embrace a streamlined philosophy of leadership. This leadership style is sensitive to the busy schedules of modern culture. Our streamlined approach to leadership enables members to effectively serve in front-line ministry, without sacrificing precious time with their families by attending countless committee meetings. We are committed to a philosophy of leadership, which is purpose driven and family friendly.

The Lead Pastor leads the "Ministry Leadership Team" of the staff and the body of deacons. In essence, the pastor is a "player coach." He is one of the players on the team, but he also serves as a "leadership coach." The "Ministry Leadership Team" is the only "standing committee" in the church. We believe that "everything rises and falls on leadership." Therefore, our leaders are empowered to recruit necessary help, equip people for service, and lead the congregation in a "Great Commission Ministry."

Once a year, the Lead Pastor leads a visionary meeting with the congregation called our Annual Ministry Profile. Staff Pastors and Ministry Team Leaders present exciting goals and the annual budget is affirmed. When appropriate, special issues such as building programs and the calling of full-time staff pastors are covered in this meeting. Our Annual Ministry Profile is an exciting affirmation of the blessing from the Lord, and the success of our streamlined philosophy of leadership.


Rich Roberts


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Joel Miller

Director of Security

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